How I Use JIRA and Trello Together

I started using JIRA for issue tracking when I worked at Trello (at Atlassian), and I still use it now. JIRA does everything I need in managing software projects, but I never send people outside of my team to JIRA because it’s not easy for casual users. For that I use Trello.

I have a Trello board for each project I am managing that is meant to be a high-level summary of that project. It is useful for onboarding and getting its current status easily. It has links to JIRA, Confluence (for specifications), Atlas (for status) and Figma.

This Trello board is the first place I send a new team member to help with onboarding. If someone has a question in Slack about the project, I make sure that it was something you could find out on the board and then link them to it there. The board is a kind of dashboard and central hub of the project.

These hub boards are curated, so I don’t try to use any automations to bring things over. If I think you need more information, I send you directly to the source.

JIRA is useful to the people that work on the project every day. I use Trello for those that just check in weekly or monthly.