Category Archives: Books

Swimming in Tech Debt Book Update

I am aiming to be done with my book, Swimming in Tech Debt, by the end of May 2025. But, very soon, I will start to post edited excerpts. Until now, all of my posted excerpts have been first drafts, but I’ve been working with a professional editor who is helping me make the manuscript better. If you want to read those excerpts, sign up here:

Applying My Book Selling Content Strategy to Social Media

This is the final part of a series on how I am marketing my book via content generation.

In this final part, I will talk about Social Media, which I treat as a mix of Part 2 and Part 3. I have a feed that I control, but it’s mixed into a communities with norms. Posts are conversation starters, and the comments replying to them should be on-topic. I treat each social media site differently, but a common thread is that I try not to link to my work, and I make each post or comment self-sufficient and useful in the reader’s feed.

Mastodon: I used to post to Mastodon rarely, but I have recently begun to understand it better. I only follow software developers and people I know in real life (who, on Mastodon, seem to skew towards being software devs). If I post something personal, I don’t use hashtags. But, for anything that I think would be interesting to software developers, I use hashtags to cast a wider net. Doing this has made Mastodon much more interactive to me. I also follow all of those hashtags and engage as I would like to be engaged (mostly by replying when replying is asked for and “yes, anding” anything else I can in a positive way). Posting on Mastodon is mostly a way for me to get ideas and practice writing.

LinkedIn: I have written about how I use LinkedIn before. Basically, it’s to keep in touch with people I know and like. So, in a way, it’s more like what I do in communities, but since my posts are in my feed (and people can follow, unfollow, mute or block me), I feel more free to talk about my work unprompted. I still follow nearly a 0-link policy. Most posts are a trial draft of something I intend to write, so there’s nothing to link to yet anyway.

Reddit: And on Reddit, in the software developer subreddits that I participate in, I just try to answer the questions as asked. These questions are often great writing prompts. I try a draft in Reddit, and then expand on it in this blog later. I do this a little on Hacker News as well. It’s not often thought of as social media, but my StackOverflow contributions are similar.

In all of these places, I am not anonymous, and my bio links to this site. If someone were interested in what I had to say, they could easily find this place, add it to their RSS reader, podcast player, or subscribe to my email list.

I don’t know if this is the most effective way to market my book. I suspect it’s not if the goal is the number of subscribers or sales. But, it’s what I would appreciate in others.

Applying My Book Selling Content Strategy in My Communities

This is a follow-up to My Content Strategy for Selling a Book and Applying My Book Selling Content Strategy on Sites I Control. In this post, I will tell you how I market my book in communities that I am a part of on Discord, Slack, Meetup, and IRL with friends, clients, or mentees.

I don’t.

For sites that I control, there’s an expectation that I would talk about my projects. The posts on this site are meant to be useful, but they are based on my experience—they would make no sense if I didn’t explain what I was working on.

But, in communities, we’re having conversations. We’re building relationships. Having fun. It’s just not the place. This doesn’t mean I never talk about my work—sometimes that’s what we’re talking about (our work). And when the book is finally launched, I will ask my software developer friends to read it (because I think it would help them). But, even though I don’t have a strategy to market to them, the conversations we have drive my marketing strategy.

Fairly often, our conversations lead to me writing something. In fact the past three posts (including this one and the next one) are based on a conversation I had in my writing group about my plans for marketing my book. The post, Network with Alums Just Ahead of You, was based on a conversation I had with a mentee. PM-led vs. Engineering-led Time and If code reviews take too long, do this first are based on conversations I have had with clients. Those are just the recent ones.

A lot of my posts over the past 20 years started out as conversations. It’s more of a product development (content generation) strategy than a marketing one, but I believe that these conversations are evidence that the market has these problems too, so it’s marketing in the research sense.

Applying My Book Selling Content Strategy on Sites I Control

As I wrote yesterday, the core belief that drives my marketing strategy for Swimming in Tech Debt is that I truly think the book will help software developers get things done in codebases with tech debt. Given that conviction, and the fact that I care about software developers, I don’t feel shy in asking you to read my book.

On sites that I own, I just overtly write about the book and the processes that I used to develop it. This content goes out to my email list, this blog, and my podcast. Each place is slightly different.

The subscribers to my email list are expecting updates about the book. That’s the specific reason I give for signing up, so sending those updates is not only expected, but I would be not meeting my obligation if I didn’t send that update. That being said, I usually try to send something along with the update that would be interesting to people who signed up.

Similarly, readers of this blog are ostensibly expecting me to write about what I am working on because all of the advice I give on this site is based on my experience. If you are subscribed to this blog (and read it and like it), then I am sure that you’ll like the book—about 1/3 of the content is based on posts here. So, I don’t think you’ll mind me mentioning it.

The podcast is a little different because it’s only about writing and not software development. In season 4 of my podcast, I am going through the steps that I took to write the book. If you are a software developer with a blog, I think I have tips for you to turn your posts into a book. If you don’t have a blog (or even private writing) yet, then the first three seasons are about developing a writing habit that results in a corpus of work to draw from. I talk about my own book in order to explain the process of writing it, but content from the book isn’t appropriate for the podcast.

So, for places I own and that are tied to my identity, I feel free to just write and talk about the book. For all other places, I just want to be a good citizen. The way I do that is to try to use a 0-click strategy. I don’t know if this is the most effective, but it’s what I personally value.

I’ll write about that tomorrow.

My Content Strategy for Selling a Book

I am hoping to be done with Swimming in Tech Debt in a few months. Most of the work between now and then will be getting the book through three editing passes, which gives me a lot of down time. I’m using that time to market the book via content creation. This blog post is part of that.

I don’t mind just saying that overtly because I am following the advice of Zig Ziglar in Selling 101 [affiliate link]. If you don’t know him, Ziglar was one of the selling gurus and motivational speakers of a half-century ago. I would say that it’s the exact kind of person I wouldn’t read, but he’s often mentioned by Seth Godin, so I bought the book and read it years ago. He’s not at all what I imagined—a core part of his philosophy is integrity.

This line has always stuck with me:

If what you are selling is not good enough for your friends and family, then why are you selling it? If it is good, then why would you want to keep it from those you care about most? […] The key is your conviction that you really are offering something that will strengthen the friendship.

Here’s another:

Here is the most important step [to] take when it comes to helping others. If you truly have a desire to help other people; if you truly believe in your product or service; if you truly want the prospect to benefit […] always ask for the order.

It is with this conviction that I am writing these posts to tell you about my book. I think that most of the people that read this site got here because they are software developers, and if you have come back after reading, then my way of thinking at least resonates with your way of thinking. But, I don’t just want to post an advertisement (or even an addvertisement). I want each thing I write to be useful on its own, not a pitch for the book.

So, that’s my strategy—I am telling people something I think will benefit them. To do this, I am posting on Mastodon, LinkedIn, Reddit, here on this blog and in my podcast, to my email list, and other places. I have different criteria for what I post where, which I’ll go into soon.

Books That Propelled Me in 2024

These three books did the most to help me make progress in 2024

1. Nonfiction Alchemy [affiliate link] by Jordan Ring

I already finished a draft of my book before I read Nonfiction Alchemy, so I learned some of his lessons the hard way. The biggest change I made after reading it was to my title. I had been using a more literal “promise” based title, but wished it was pithier. His description of how he came up with his title and why helped me come up with Swimming in Tech Debt, which I think works a lot better. The subtitle will do the work of conveying my promise.

The new title is more visual and communicates my main metaphor of using your encounters with tech debt as a trigger to make progress—“swimming” rather than “drowning” in tech debt.

I wrote more about this in Titling a book and Book Title as Visual Metaphor.

2. A Philosophy of Software Design [affiliate link] by John Ousterhout

So many gems—it should be required reading in any CS program. Ousterhout’s target is complexity in software, which is very related to technical debt. My book is more about any code that resists change, which includes well-written, simple, easy to understand code that just can’t be changed in the way you need it to be. This book is about understanding the sources of complexity and fixing them.

3. Slow Productivity [affiliate link] by Cal Newport

This is Newport’s latest book in a continuing series about his approach to work and life. If you haven’t read Deep Work [affiliate link], I would start there and move onto Digital Minimalism [affiliate link]. This book shows how to make big things at a slow pace. I worked on my book in my marginal time: a hour or two a day. But writing hundreds of words a day, a thousand every week, builds up. There were edits, restarts, rewrites, etc. But the pace was sustainable, and I owe a lot of that strategy to this book. (Also see The Four Disciplines of Execution [affiliate link] — which is referenced in Deep Work)

Book Title as Visual Metaphor

I’m reading a book called Nonfiction Alchemy [affiliate link] by Jordan Ring that has some advice on finding a voice. A lot of it resonates with what I wrote in Writing as Yourself to Yourself. For example, in a section called Write with Heart, he advises you to “write like you speak” to find your voice, to tell stories because “they bought your book, not someone else’s”. But the part where he talked about his title and his voice was something I had not seen before:

I debated writing a more streamlined “business type” book with an unoriginal title like “Write Your Damn Book!” I thought about using straightforward chapter titles and letting less of my personality shine through. I summarily shut down this line of thinking.

He goes on to talk about how the word “Alchemy” is evocative and that he is using it to find other (more original) words to describe his ideas. He talks about spells and potions and elixirs, and it just makes the prose more enjoyable, original, and memorable.

It reminds me of an exercise from Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg [affiliate link]. I talked about it in my podcast episode, Finding Nouns and Verbs. Here’s how I described it:

Take out a piece of paper. Divide it into three columns. In the first column, write down any ten nouns. Then, fold back it over so you can’t see those nouns and look at the second column.

At the top of the second column write down an occupation. She gives examples like chef, pilot, or doctor. Then, for the occupation that you chose, list all the verbs related it. In the book, Goldberg picked chef and then wrote down cut, slice, fry, marinate, bake, boil, etc. Write down as many as you can think of. You don’t need to limit yourself to 10. In fact, try to come with a lot more than 10.

Finally, open up the paper. Now you can see both columns. A column of nouns and a column of verbs. Pick a random noun and then find a verb to go with it and complete the sentence.

This will get you thinking of and using concrete and specific nouns and verbs that exert themselves to describe your scene. You won’t need to rely on adjectives and adverbs as much, and when you do, they’ll have more impact.

Thinking along these lines, with my title now Swimming in Tech Debt and the central metaphor being a swimmer trying to go upstream and being thwarted by debt. In my book, I show how to use the existence of tech debt as a way to propel yourself. The payment of the debt gives you energy and joy that puts you in the flow and makes you go faster. Even the word “flow” serendipitously is related to swimming and probably belongs in the subtitle.

Using the Goldberg technique, I could make a list of verbs that describe what a swimmer does: stroke, push-off, flip, wade, coast, kick, etc. This is of course, a good use of ChatGPT, which is a kind of super-thesaurus. It says: Swim, wade, stroke, paddle, dive, float, glide, submerge, surface, tread, splash, flip, scull, plunge, sink, kick, sprint, roll, breathe, and relax.

The idea is to use those words in the text sometimes instead of the obvious one. Enough that it brings some life to the text, but not so much that it seems like a gimmick.

Titling a book

The working title of my book has been Pay Tech Debt to Go Fast Now. I chose this because it’s the short answer about what I think you should do if you have a lot of tech debt, which is to concentrate your payment efforts on short-term developer productivity. The book is the long answer with lots of recommendations of how to do it.

But, I haven’t been satisfied with it as a title. There’s a passage in my book that seems to have resonated with a early readers, and I’m using that as a signal that it would be a source of a good title:

It’s been hard for me to talk about technical debt outside of engineering. The problems we tackle only exist inside the codebase, which is invisible to stakeholders, but it’s the water we swim in.

I don’t know how to explain that to others that don’t live in water. To us, working in a codebase with a lot of debt is like swimming upstream. It resists us moving in the direction we want to go. We eventually get there, but everyone else just sees the result and doesn’t feel the resistance. If we are slowed down, it just looks like we’re slow swimmers.

In the Write Useful Books, Rob Fitzpatrick recommends making a promise to the reader and putting it on the cover of the book. He says that it could be the title or subtitle. I overindexed on how good “Write Useful Books” is as a title, which is how I ended up with mine. But, I think it breaks down when the promise can’t be short. I think you need something easy for someone to remember and recommend. Pithiness is important.

I am also reading Nonfiction Alchemy [affiliate link], and in it Jordan Ring talks about having a central metaphor to use as a source of vocabulary in the book. “Alchemy” is his example, and the chapter titles are drawn from the same metaphor. I’ve been thinking about that idea too.

Yesterday, I was in Barnes & Noble and just staring at the non-fiction bookshelves with my wife and was telling her about this problem. We kept throwing out terms and while we were there, she came up with “Escaping the Tech Debt Trap”. I like “trap” and one of my favorite books is The Pleasure Trap [affiliate link], so I was drawn to it. I tried to think visually about the idea of a trap.

Then, I remembered that “swimming” passage in my book and thought about swimming in a river and going upstream because I needed to get somewhere, and how I could use the obstacles as a handhold, and push off them to propel myself. The visual helped me realize the physicality of my recommendations. Then, I thought of the title Swimming in Tech Debt, and I liked that it had a double meaning. There’s a play on words that sounds like it could mean something similar to “drowning in tech debt” (being overwhelmed), but what I mean is how to get through it, how to swim through it.

So, anyway, that’s the new title.

Follow-up on my Tech Debt Article in The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter

About two weeks ago, The Pragmatic Engineer published an early excerpt from a book I’m writing on Tech Debt. This week, he published a follow-up that’s available for free. Read it here:

If you missed the original article, it’s here:

After that article came out, there were a few LinkedIn posts with good conversations about tech debt. This one by Ellery Jose has an interesting table that breaks down how to treat technical debt as a financing decision:


Also, Guillaume Renoult sent me this post he wrote:


There is a section of my book that has similar ideas to these two posts, particularly team management of debt using evidence and data. I’m hoping to have a draft done of that part in a few weeks. If you want to see an early version, sign up to receive updates.

Time in the Zone

I read The Four Disciplines of Execution last year and my main takeaway was that I should build a scoreboard to track a leading indicator of whether I’m “winning” at my important goals.

For tracking my fitness, I’m using the Zones for Training app, which has a nice widget that compares the current cumulative week to the previous one. The number is just the minutes my heart rate was in an exercise zone. I have a goal, but I can also compete with how I did last week.

A dashboard of cumulative time spent in heart rate zones

Leading indicators can be more complex, but just tracking the time that I spend on the important things is enough to get started. I trust that I’ll use that time wisely.