Habits 3.0

Back in 2008, I learned Objective-C to make my first “iPhone OS” app, Habits. When it was released, Habits looked like this:


This weekend I finally finished v3.0 and made it free.

As this is a developer site, the more interesting thing to note is that Habits was originally made in the first iPhone supporting version of Xcode (with external Interface Builder) and I have been migrating the project file from version to version since then (using 7.3.1 to make the current build).

Some things that were introduced into Habits for this version:

  1. Swift – all new classes were made in Swift and many existing ones were refactored into Swift
  2. Accessibility – Since NSSpain 2015, I’ve been running my iPhone with triple-Home to get into VoiceOver (suggested by Hermes Pique in this talk). Doing that made me realize (1) what it was like to use Habits without looking at it (2) how easy it was to make it work properly.
  3. fastlane – specifically “deliver” to manage the iTunes record and “frameit” for fancy screenshots
  4. Carthage – there had never been 3rd party libraries in Habits, but I decided that one was worth it this time.
  5. TOCropViewController – A simple framework that does one thing very well – provide a View Controller for cropping images. I use this instead of the built-in iOS one because it supports locked aspect-ratios.
