End Your Week with a Plan for Next Week

This is a follow up to my end-of-day tomorrow planning.

I run my weekly plan Monday-Sunday, so sometime on Sunday I’ll start to make my plan for the upcoming week.

The first thing I do is collect my WINS from my daily plans. At the end of each day, I tried to pick out something from the day that would bring me joy to reflect on later. Now (at the end of the week) is later.

Under that I put a BIG 3 checklist for the week. These are tasks I commit to do the following week. Each might take several days, so I need to break them down.

So, under that, I write the date of the next seven days on separate lines. I try to break down my Big 3 into tasks that need to be done each day that will eventually accomplish them. These will feed into my daily plans that week.

I’m not going to write a separate post for it, but I also have a monthly plan with a monthly Big 3 and biggest WINS. The entire thing rolls up to my yearly plan, which is a one-word theme and some high-level ideas of the kind of things I want to do that year. Months and years are not planned out as thoroughly as weeks and days—they are mostly a guideline to provide some direction.