Some Behaviors of a Catalyst

Yesterday I wrote that you should recognize catalysts, but didn’t say how. The problem is that so much of what they do is under the radar, but one tell is that they always seem to be part of successful teams and everyone on the team knows that they were an important member.

Catalysts can be technically great, but perhaps not the most technical person on the team or the best specialist on your corner of the company. In my experience, they are more likely generalists. They likely know the most about the other teams in your organization, which is why they can get things done with them. They often know who to go to, and those people often know them.

It’s not just the other teams, they also know the most about the architecture of other services. They might even have commits in repos they don’t own and in the third-party dependencies they use. When they need to get things done, they don’t limit themselves to just their own codebases.

Their colleagues like them and like to work with them. And the catalyst genuinely liked working with those people too (and they like people in general). They are often your best source of candidates. The best way to hire a catalyst is through a referral from someone on your team that raves about working with them.

Knowing what I know now, if I were to look for them I’d be looking for what Atlassian called “Feature Leads”, which were engineers that led a “feature” project. They often needed to orchestrate the work of several other people and perhaps several other teams. I guess to make sure they were good at it, I’d be looking for people that did it repeatedly at the same place. This work doesn’t rely heavily on their commits, but I’d be interested in people that had commits in disparate parts of the feature, not because of the technical skill it requires to do that, but because it would indicate a holistic view and might indicate a tendency to clear roadblocks, both of which are catalyst behaviors.

As I said in How Senior Software Developers Think, the more senior you are, the more you think of how your work relates to the mission of the company. Catalysts at any level do that. It’s often easier to have success as a catalyst the more senior you are, but I don’t see this as a requirement. Feature leads at Atlassian could be just past the junior level (pre-Staff/Senior level). It was a good indication that they should be promoted, but they didn’t need to have that level to catalyze.