Question on r/ExperiencedDevs: Getting Code Reviewed Faster

I saw this question on the ExperiencedDevs subreddit today: My colleague’s code gets reviewed no questions asked. Getting mine reviewed takes a couple of nudges. How can I improve the situation? The answers on this subreddit are usually helpful, and I saw one that I resonated with me:

Personally quick PRs, sub 15 minutes total review time, I consider to be a mini-break from whatever feature I’m working on over the span of multiple days. If your PRs are 1000s of lines long and require an entirely different headspace it may cause delays that way.

This is what I was getting at in PR Authors Have a lot of Control on PR Idle Time where I told a story about the analysis a colleague at Atlassian did on our PR data. He found that short PR’s had less idle time.

On my team, where short PRs were highly encouraged, most reviews were done in a couple of hours, with 24 hours being the absolute max. Any longer than that would often be resolved by a live 1:1 review because it meant that the code was too complex to be reviewed asynchronously.

The thread on r/ExperiencedDevs has some more advice on solutions that try to resolve the social aspects, which are helpful, but I do think PRs that are easier to review will sit for less time. If your code is inherently complex, there is still a lot you can do to make the review easy (see A Good Pull Request Convinces You That it is Correct).