Mutation Testing

A couple of years ago, I wrote about a testing technique that I had learned, but didn’t remember the name of, so I called it code perturbance. I mentioned this technique in my book, and a helpful beta reader let me know the real name: mutation testing.

The idea is to intentionally change the code in a way that introduces a bug, but is still syntactically correct (so you can run it). Then, you run your test suite to see if it can find the problem. This augments code coverage, which will only let you know that code was run in a test, not if an assertion was made against it.

Now that I know the name, I can find out more about it in google. For example, there are tools that can do it for you automatically. The one that I’m most interested in is Stryker-mutator, because it supports TypeScript. I’ll report back when I try it.

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