LUIs Give You User Intent

Language User Interfaces (LUIs) are driven by natural language prompts which an LLM can use to drive your command-based application. Even if the LUI makes mistakes, the prompts are a treasure trove of user intent.

Right now, we broadly have two ways to get user data: Analytics and User Research. Analytics are easy to scale and are useful, but they cannot give you user intent. They can tell you what the user did, but not why. User research is targeted right at uncovering causal and intent data, but it’s hard to scale.

A LUI gives you the best of both worlds because it asks the user to express what they want in their own words and can easily be deployed to all users.

As an example, consider a dashboard configuration GUI for a B2B SaaS app. Almost every enterprise application has something like this—in this case, let’s consider Salesforce.

Using a GUI, a user might tap on “New Dashboard” and then “Add bar chart” and then use some filters to set it up. And then, they “Add pie chart” and set that up. They put in another chart, then quickly delete it. They add, delete, reorder, and configure for an hour until they seem to be satisfied. In an analytics dataset, you’d have rows for all of these actions. You would have no idea what the user was trying to do.

In a LUI, the user might start with “I have a 1:1 with my manager on Thursday. What are some of the things I excel at that would be good to highlight”. “Ok, make a dashboard showing my demo-to-close ratio and my pipeline velocity”. “Add in standard personal sales data that a sales manager would expect”.

This is something you could find out in user research, but it’s quite expensive to get that data. Some kind of LUI, even if it wasn’t great, would start to help you collect that data at scale.

You might found out a new Job to be Done (1:1 meetings with sales managers) that you could directly support.