In the last post I said that even though I had used code generation throughout my career, the expressiveness of modern languages had reduced my usage. But, I had found that connecting code to external systems was better if I generated a type-safe API layer.
GraphQL Code Generation (which I mentioned in the last post) does this for GraphQL client code. You provide your queries and the endpoint to your server, and it will validate the queries and use the server’s schema to generate type-safe Typescript wrappers to use to execute those queries, including react hooks.
It doesn’t go far enough for me, but since it supports plugins, it was easy to add what I wanted. All I wanted was simpler, non-hook, type-safe functions to make GQL requests. The hook variants are very convenient when you are just populating a screen, but I had times when I wanted to make GQL requests and didn’t want to handle the result in the React lifecycle. This was even more true for mutations.
So, as a first step, I made a non-type-safe function to do any mutation given an Apollo client and document (NOTE: DocumentNode is a type that represents a GQL query).
export const gqlMutate = async (
apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
mutation: DocumentNode,
responseProperty: string,
variables: any,
onSuccess: (response: SuccessResponse) => void,
onError: (err: string) => void
): Promise<SuccessResponse> => {
try {
const response = await apolloClient.mutate({ mutation, variables });
// handle response and call onSuccess or onError
I could just stop here, but then when I write a call to gqlMutate
, I get no code completion or type-checking.
But the GQL code generator actually generated concrete types for all of my GQL queries, so I could write a wrapper, like this:
export async function requestCreateOpening(
apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
variables: gql.CreateOpeningMutationVariables,
onSuccess: (response: gql.SuccessResponse) => void,
onError: (err: string) => void): Promise<gql.SuccessResponse> {
return await gqlMutate(
apolloClient, gql.CreateOpeningDocument,
Which works great, but I have hundreds of mutations and I would have to write this code over and over and keep it up to date if anything changes. But, literally everything I need to know to write this is in the GQL query document. The code generator already generated this constant and type for me.
export type CreateOpeningMutationVariables = Exact<{
teamId: Scalars['Int'];
name: Scalars['String'];
body: Scalars['String'];
whatToShow: Scalars['String'];
export const CreateOpeningDocument = gql`
mutation CreateOpening($teamId: Int!, $name: String!, $body: String!, $whatToShow: String!) {
teamId: $teamId
name: $name
body: $body
whatToShow: $whatToShow
) {
It’s not a stretch to get it to generate the wrapper around gqlMutate
as well.
Normally, the drawback is having to parse the source language, in this case GQL. But GQL code generator already does that and already generates a lot of useful types for you. All you need to do is loop through your GQL documents (which are types) and write out the code. For details see the plugin documentation.
It’s too hard to explain my generator (write me if you need more help). But, if you are calling GQL with Apollo and typescript from your front-end, consider code generation. And, if you find yourself writing non-type-safe wrappers, know that you can extend it with plugins to make them type-safe as well.