Be Happy When It’s Hard. Be Worried When It’s Easy.

When I was running product development for Atalasoft, I used to love it when a developer was having a hard time with a project. We sold image codecs, and our main competitor was open-source. Our secret sauce was that we could do things they wouldn’t. It was supposed to be hard.

If it were easy, everyone would do it, and it would be free. We wouldn’t have a business.

I think about this a lot when I see what people are doing with Large Language Models. Making an LLM isn’t easy, but Google thinks there’s no moat here for anyone. Still, it’s hard enough because it costs a lot of money, even if you know exactly how to do it.

The part that’s more concerning is what people who use LLM’s are saying. Everyone is so surprised how well it does with basically no work or skill on the part of the user. That’s fine, but then anyone could do it, and the thing they are doing with LLMs isn’t going to accrue value to them.

I think every knowledge worker should be using LLMs in some way, if only to learn about it. It offers enough benefits right now that it can’t be ignored. But, the easier it seems to be that you are getting good results, the more I would be concerned that you won’t be necessary to get those results in the future.