I started App-o-Mat as an iOS tutorial site back when I was consulting. It mostly had cordova screencasts. I’m going to be doing more writing about iOS there (native and possibly cordova-based).
You can subscribe to the mailing list there if you want to get updates. If you have requests for topics to write about, let me know.
Here are the latest posts:
How do I pass values from a VC back to the VC that presented it?
Ok, so you have a view controller that brings up another view controller. Let’s call the first one
and the second oneSecondVC
either presentsSecondVC
or there is some segue that it uses to bring it up.How do you keep Storyboards from causing merge problems later?
There’s this myth in the iOS community that “professional” iOS developers never use Interface Builder. It’s meant to imply that coding your interfaces is always better, and if you don’t do it, you are somehow less of a programmer. The myth perpetuates the idea that IB is a crutch, a toy, something that only newbies use.
I call BS.
How do you pass values to a VC in a segue?
A theme I see a lot on StackOverflow is a developer makes a View Controller that collects some information from a user and wants to use it on a VC that they bring up in a segue.