AirTags Could Be Used for Precise Indoor Location

I don’t think there’s going to be an SDK for AirTags, and they seem to be designed to be found by a single person, but the same technology could be used to precisely locate myself indoors (if AirTags were installed to create a mesh).

This is supposedly what iBeacon’s do, but I’ve heard from people trying to deploy them that the technology doesn’t work very well. I don’t really know anything about this at all, but here’s a contrary view from someone who knows beacon tech better:

We don’t believe that these tags will replace the current generation of BLE beacons for a few reasons:

・ These UWB Tags will require a new (circa 2020) Apple or Samsung
They will not be compatible with most of the existing gateways
These tags will most likely initially only work with the proprietary applications on Apple or Samsung Phones
Apple and Samsung UWB seem to be geared towards finding lost items, not providing all of the other sensor data that current BLE beacons do
BLE Beacons will be much, much cheaper than these UWB Tags will be

And, this is probably true today with AirTags as they are. But, this article also says that Google is dropping support for BLE beacons, so there is some problem here.