How to Increase Story Points Per Sprint

Story points are not a basis for measuring and improving productivity because points are just an abstract measure of time. That’s why I said you should Be Skeptical of Points-based Productivity Claims. Any systematic productivity improvement would decrease the points for a future story, and the velocity would go back to a steady state.

If you had a way to compare stories over time to each other, you might see improvement in an individual story. If you literally are doing the same story over and over—like, for example, a set of recurring tasks—then, you could absolutely see its points decrease over time if you automate it. So, one way to get more done per sprint is to automate repetitive tasks, but once you do that, the points assigned to that task will go down and the velocity will not change. But the thing to look at is the comparison of this story in your sprint with its past incarnations, not velocity.

This is why I Estimate Using Time, not points. They are the same thing, but everyone understands time, and no one understands points. If you reread the first two paragraphs, but substitute “hours” instead of “points”, then they are obviously correct. If you automate a task then the number of hours it takes goes down—no one disagrees with that. If I use CoPilot to get systematic productivity, then my estimate of the number of hours it takes to do something will go down. Points obscure this.

There is a problem with using time (which is also true with points, but it’s just glossed over), which is the difference between work time and calendar time. If you estimate with work time, and report that, you will confuse people, because the only time that matters is calendar time. But, Story Points are often a proxy for work time, so I’ll assume that’s what it is for you too.

Given all of that, it’s easy to see how to increase the number of points done in a sprint. You need to either create time or decrease the difference between work time and calendar time. If you do that, you will find more stories get pulled into a sprint and get done, which will show up in velocity because it probably won’t cause the points for a particular card to go down, because most teams estimate points using work time.

So, how do you create time? Easy. Hire more developers. Despite what you have heard, you can add developers to a team to get more done, as long as they don’t need to communicate with each other.

To reduce the difference between work time and calendar time, you need to concentrate on everything that’s not sprint work. The main culprit is unnecessary meetings, but another is long waits for feedback. There are lots of times developers might need to wait, but waiting for code reviews is probably the biggest one because it happens to everyone all of the time. To work on that, read: If code reviews take too long, do this first.