In yesterday’s post, I had some ideas for tripling the number of posts you write, but I forgot one source of posts: the follow-up.
I had mentioned that Art and Fear [affiliate link] had been the source of my advice to focus on ideas that have thousands of variations (not ideas for single posts). Another lesson from that book is that old (flawed) work is the inspiration for new work. I frequently read my posts hoping to find that it’s flawed in a way that inspires me to write more on the topic.
Now, this post might be a contrived example. I wish I could say that I planned it this way when I wrote the first post, but I’m not that clever. But I did read yesterday’s post and think: why did I not plan out three posts on how to triple my number of posts? And then I thought: what would I have planned? And this post is not what I would have planned, but it’s what came out of thinking about what more I had more to say on this topic.
The reason I am able to do this is that my posts are not meant to be my exhaustive view. I am following my advice to Lower the Bar to Practice, and that means I publish posts when they are good enough to publish, not the best they could be. I know that there’s always room to add more later.