I have a blog here (the one you are reading) and another at App-o-Mat. This one is on WordPress, and App-o-Mat used to be a Django site, but is now a static site generated by that Django app, which I run locally. I had to do this because my hosting company sunset their support for Django, and I didn’t want to pay for better hosting.
So, for this blog, all I have to do to write a post is login, tap the “Add a Post” button and type type type until I am happy with the post. For App-o-Mat, I have to do a bunch of steps I forgot to write down. I think I could figure it out—it was something like:
- Run the Django app locally following the steps in the README (this will have a side-quest of getting Python environments figured out again)
- Go to the Admin and add a post entity to my DB
- Use curl (I think) or maybe wget to crawl the whole site and dump HTML
- I should probably diff this against the site to make sure it worked
- SCP the changed files over to my server
Now that I have written this down, I actually feel like I should write a new post soon because this is the most momentum I have had on this site since I had to migrate it last April. The change before that was to migrate from Bootstrap to Tailwind. I do more futzing with App-o-Mat than writing. But, whenever I change the site, I write about it here, so I am using my waste.
I’m not always prolific on my main blog, but that’s not the fault of the software. I was thinking about this earlier today, and now there’s a post. Whenever I have ideas for App-o-Mat, I forget them before they had a chance to exist.