Django, WebFaction, RapidWeaver and Christmas

Atalasoft closes for the week between Christmas and New Year’s, so I have time to catch up on some things I’ve been wanting to do — namely move this site to WebFaction. I chose WebFaction once I decided that I wanted to learn Django (after reading this great comparison of Django and Rails). Following along the forums, there were more than a few good mentions of WebFaction as a good Django host.

A couple of weeks into Django and a couple of days into WebFaction, so far, I’m pretty happy. It’s Christmas today, so even though I had some questions for WebFaction, I really didn’t expect them to get back to me — so I was pretty happy that they do — I guess I should expect 365 24×7 from an ISP, but I hadn’t been getting it before.

In addition to new hosting and a new webapp framework — I’ve also settled on RapidWeaver for content management. I moved to Mac for home a couple of years ago, and I still hadn’t found a good desktop CMS that was as good as CityDesk on the PC. RapidWeaver has beautiful themes built in, and a lot of the features that I’ve gotten used to. The built-in blog is nice (would be nicer with an import from RSS), but it didn’t take too long to transfer everything over.

All of this work is to get this site going again.